Archives for January 2014

Watch Dogs

I was feeling guilty that I let my dog watch-dog bark at the mail carrier’s daily deliveries.  But frankly, I’d come home before when I had a shield on the inner door over the mail slot and found that it had been crashed through and the ex-pen I’d once kept around it had been slammed into the door.  This suggested someone, who was not a mailman, had tried to force his way in.  Thank goodness for my watch doggies, though. {Read More}

Barking Dogs

Dogs bark.  It’s in their genetic make-up.  Sometimes, though, dogs bark too much or at inappropriate times. Demand barking, for example, is when a dog wants to get attention, a treat, or something else that he’s been given before when he tried barking to get his way.  Dogs learn fast when things work for them, and demand barking is a prime example of dogs doing what works. Watch dog barking is another type of dog barking that we love, but {Read More}

Training Treats Cheese Cookie Recipe

Here is a new dog treat recipe from Melani. Cheese cookies made with love and delish for her beautiful dog, Alice. Alice’s Training Treats Cheese Cookies Ingredients 1-1/2 cups flour 1/4 cup oats 3/4 cup chicken stock made with no onions Salt 10 oz grated sharp cheddar 2 eggs. Directions:  Roll out flat, cut into cookie shapes, and bake for 12 minutes at 400 degrees.  Watch for burning. The whole house will smell like cheese biscuits. Yum! Homemade dog treats and {Read More}

Approach-Avoidance Conflict From Low Grade Fear

Dobermann Luna resolves her sudden low-grade fear of a Nylabone through an approach-avoidance dance. What is approach-avoidance? Approach-avoidance is “a motivational conflict resulting from the presence of a single goal or desire that is both desirable and undesirable.” So the conflict causes someone to be simultaneously attracted and repelled to carry out an act. If you’ve ever been on a diet, and had something in the fridge that was calling out to you, a brownie, for example, you know the {Read More}

Dogs Digging in Yards

Although it’s quite natural to dogs, hole digging isn’t always welcomed by their people. When dogs dig up our flower beds, lawn, and other botanical wonders it can send some of us into shock. We love our dogs, but the gardener in us loves the fruits of our green thumb, and competing with our dogs for digging space can be a puzzler to figure out. I can help. Contact me for methods to keep peace between you and your dog {Read More}