A Dog Not Allowed On The Bed!?!?

 Dogs know when they can behave without getting reprimanded, and when they cannot. In this case, apparently, the guardian of this dog doesn’t allow her dog on the bed. I know people have rules like that, and we can train dogs to stay off furniture, but they do learn when it’s safe to get up on that bed and when it’s not.

Dogs Allowed On The BedDogs who learn this, and any dog who’s a dog can learn this, are not being dominant or even naughty. These dogs have learned the rules. When the guardian is around, I get punished for going on the bed. But if I go on the bed when she’s not around, I don’t get punished, and I have a good time.

By the way, if you come home later and realize your dog has been on the bed? If you punish your dog then, and you think he’s looking guilty…wrong! Punishing a dog anywhere after a few seconds from the time he’s done the deed makes for very bad training. The dog is not looking guilty. Your dog is offering appeasement behaviors. Slinking low, avoiding looking at you, trying to be small. That is dog speak, which most humans need a course in. To the dogs favor, if taking a body language course on dog speak were a prerequisite to dog guardianship, their lives would be better.

A dog can only put 2 + 2 together immediately if not sooner. Late punishment only teaches a dog that s/he should fear the guardian when she comes home. Because sometimes, when she comes home, she goes biserk. That’s the impression you give your dog when you come home yelling at something s/he’s done earlier. Dogs just do not have the mental capacity to understand that. They cannot connect the links from past to present. They weren’t genetically wired, to understand late punishment.

So don’t do it. Avoid creating confusion for your dog. Just suck it in, do some heavy duty research to find a qualified reward-based trainer to help you solve the issue the humane way.

Contact me! I can help. In the meantime, watch the video below to splurge. Soaking in some joy from a very happy dog.

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Positive Dog Training Broward County South Florida