Housetraining 123 Documents

Welcome to the Documents section of Housetraining 123! These four downloads will assist you along with the webinar to effectively and humanely housetrain your dog. You’ll be building the bond with your dog while reaching your goal. Double win!

Click on each of the links below and a pop-up will ask you to save these four files to your computer.

Outline – This is a one-page document of the Housetraining 123 steps.

Crate Training Tips – The crate training tips are listed on a single page to guide you through the process.

Reminder Notes – Cut these two reminder notes out, and post them at the door.

Presentation Slides – The webinar slides included in this presentation are a handy reference tool.

The documents above are in pdf format. If you need a pdf reader, click here for one from Adobe for Windows, or click here for one from Adobe for the Mac. If you prefer a pdf reader under another software label, a web search will provide you with numerous alternatives.