A Song Dedicated To Our Dogs

Just yesterday, a friend sent me an adorable video of her dog on a walk with her. He is a cute, determined little fellow who with all his might, has robust, enjoyable walks. This morning, I asked my Alexa Dot to play my music and the song Lovely Day by Bill Withers started playing and I thought this was the perfect song to dedicate to all our wonderful pet dogs. When the song started to play, in my mind’s eye, {Read More}

Puppy’s Pine Cone Ritual

Besides training our board-and-train pooches, we have fun learning about their play and toy interests while they visit Love Wags A Tail board-and-train puppy and dog training. Bella was a most recent enrollee in our puppy board-and-train and housetraining program. She excelled in all learning and was an active, playful addition to the household while here. All our boot campers are part of the household. Bella was brought to Florida by the Big Dog Ranch Rescue and that’s where our {Read More}

Board-and-Train Play Time

Part of the dog training experience at Love Wags A Tail board-and-train for puppies and dogs is getting plenty of exercise and play time for those dogs who enjoy dog-dog interractions. Here is a video of a bit of that from recent board-and-trains. ———- To send your dog to the Love Wags A Tail board-and-train camp for motivational learning with our cast of characters, contact us with your dog training, behavior modification wish list to get started. The Dutch Shepherd {Read More}

Holiday Board-and-Train Photos

We are all about fun with training. The behaviors we teach at Love Wags A Tail board-and-train puppy and dog training can be used for many day-do-day activities including photo opportunities. We teach dogs obedience cues then their owners maintain and incorporate those behaviors into their own environments and lifestyles. I’ve dressed up my own dogs and those of my clients’ board-and-train pups for some spirited photos and a bit of holiday splash! Happy Holidays from Love Wags A Tail {Read More}

Board-and-Train Food Toy Training

Love Wags A Tail obedience board-and-train dog training uses many products to help our clients engage their dogs when they go home from their puppy or dog board-and-trains. I ordered a new food toy for the holidays which just arrived, and I tried it out on two of my current students. Sodapup is a new company who manufactures their products in the USA. You can take a look at the variety of food toys they offer. ———- To send your {Read More}

Happy Halloween

Halloween is all about the treats for my dogs. Yum. And if they don’t get the treats, they get a little wicked witch like. I like to keep them happy, so I keep the Halloween treats coming. It’s all fun and games until someone has one too many. Then it’s time to sleep it off. This is the Dobermann version of spooning. Meanwhile, even the neighborhood tortoises are on the road to trick or treating. Maybe he’s on his way {Read More}

The Energetic Adolescent Dog

The devil made him do it. Or was he just being a dog? That’s my boy sniffing in the middle. All my dogs are now in their matching Halloween collars as of this morning, so is that what put the mischief into my adolescent boy? Did the spirit of Halloween seep into him? Can you see it on his face and all over his tongue? Is that graveyard dirt? Or just happiness? He did just get a chance to run {Read More}

Enunciating Dog Training Cues

I wanted to watch a ghost-type show this weekend in honor of the Halloween month. I found a show called Historic Hauntings. The first few minutes of it proved that I needed either a semester in Britain to understand British English or subtitles. I chose the latter. If the narrator had been directed to speak slower, I would have understood more. But when British accented vowels and consonants come at me at highway speed instead of what I need, school-zone {Read More}

Unexpected Behaviors

I love candles and usually light one while I’m at home in the early evening. Like this one, which I had burning and enjoyed the holiday sparkles on it. When it burned down to the end, I blew out the wick and quickly prepared another candle to put in its place for the next day. There was still hot wax in the stem so the new candle would have some wax to adhere to in the holder. I pushed the {Read More}

Pumpkin Patch Catch Dog Training

We at Love Wags A Tail love autumn almost as much as we love to board and train dogs and puppies. Pumpkins are so much a part of autumn, and one of the local areas for locations where pumpkins are plentiful is the Flamingo Road Nursery at 1655 S Flamingo Road, Davie, FL 33325. We use pumpkins for decorations during October and November and our dogs in training are usually curious about the huge gourds. One of our September board-and-train {Read More}

Autumn Board-and-Train Dog Training

Happy autumn! Fall is our favorite time of year at Love Wags A Tail board-and-train. The softening of the heat is a welcomed change, and all the colors of fall displayed in decorations, flowers, and other foliage, plus the annual holiday movies and TV shows, makes this a magical time of year. And with that are festive dog collars and the opportunity to take memorable photos of our dogs. Because just as we age and see the changes in photos {Read More}

How Much Water Should I Give My Dog or Pup During Housetraining?

This is a huge photo of one of my many hibiscus plants. This was a startling moment of an otherwise splendid day for me. I was looking outside when I saw this particular plant wilting noticeably. Startling because I water all of them everyday and sometimes twice a day. I got to work immediately and saturated the ground around this plant with water so it could drink from its roots up. The whole time I was wondering how come? Did {Read More}

Adult Dogs And Playful Puppies

One of the many plusses about sending your pup or dog to the Love Wags A Tail board-and-train boot camp is that they have access to socialize with my dogs, who are all good dog-dog and dog-puppy communicators. Puppies need to learn that when an adult dog says “no,” he means “stop!” Some adult dogs are better at teaching that to puppies than others. The most imporatnt element when choosing adult dogs to co-mingle with puppies is that they say {Read More}

Qualifications for California Drug Rehab Centers and U.S. Dog Trainers

Though I’ve lived in South Florida for over two decades, I grew up and spent most of my young adulthood in Southern California. I loved that state back then and if push came to shove, I’d still declare myself a Southern California “Girl.” (The Beach Boys’ influence lives on.) But when driving those beautiful, wide-laned freeways was more a chore than a pleasure, and my brakes wore out twice as fast as they used to, I knew I was being {Read More}

Keeping Heads Above Water: Hurricane Survivors

I continue to contemplate about how horrible Hurricane Dorian was to the people, animals, and environment of the Bahamas. I am a Southern Californian now living, and most likely remaining, in South Florida, and I’ve been through both earthquakes and hurricanes. Both are frightening, and both get more devastating in tandem with strength. Hurricane Irma was the worst I’d been through and it was a category 3. My seven dogs and I were trapped in a friend’s hurricane proof house {Read More}