Food Rewards From The Trainer and The Sky

When you are working on eliciting a certain behavior from your dog, you’ll want to reward it around the clock. For example, the dog who jumps up for attention. When he approaches and keeps four paws on the ground, that’s big news and time to praise and reward.

But we can’t always have food handy in our pockets, so make sure to keep small, tightly sealed containers of dog training food around the house. When your dog is offering a behavior you’ve been looking for, you have, at your hand, the reward he justifiably deserves.

When Pooch is good, tell him. Emphasize the good behavior he offers. There are times to tell him what a good dog he is right to his face, and times to let let him know anonymously, but always let him know when he is offering the good behavior. “Good things can happen anywhere, anytime, if I behave.” That will be Poochie’s motto the more you stick to the program and reward his stellar moments.

An anonymous moment may be while your dog is occupying himself very nicely with a chew bone. You’re at the computer. He’s not pushing under your arm for attention. So discretely pull out a few food rewards and toss them his way so he doesn’t see you’ve thrown them. Don’t stare; you don’t want him to know you threw the food. Let him enjoy his food without focusing on you, or else he may come over to you for another round of food.

So keep those tightly sealed containers full of food rewards and treats accessible to you around the house. The more you let Pooch know when he’s behaving appropriately by showering him with good food when he’s behaving expectantly or he’s least expecting it, the better. You’ll get more behaviors you reward and less behaviors you ignore. That’s behavioral science!

To send your dog to the Love Wags A Tail board-and-train camp for motivational learning with our cast of characters, contact us with your dog training, behavior modification wish list to get started.

Helen Verte Schwarzmann
Contact me
Certified in Training and Counseling
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed
Certified Trick Dog Instructor
AKC STAR Puppy, CGC, and Trick Dog Trainer and Evaluator
Your Board-and-Train Dog Trainer for south and southwest Florida, Southwest Ranches, Plantation, Fort Lauderdale, Weston, 33326 33327 33331 33332 , Broward, Collier, Lee county