Full Moon Fun With Your Dog

Full Moon Dogs 2014
Tomorrow night is a full moon night. Why not do something special with your dog?

Do you have a fenced-in back yard? If your dog loves to play fetch, imagine his surprise when you invite him to play a moon lit game of fetch. (Make sure your dog’s had at least an hour to digest his dinner first before any vigorous exercise.) The glow from the moon usually gives off enough light for fetch to be possible and fun. There are also “Glow Balls” that are super for times like this. My dogs love them.

A moon lit walk around the neighborhood is pleasant and also, in Florida, usually cooler than if you take that walk in the sunlight.

Just sitting on the porch with your dog, a cool beverage for you, and a special rawhide for your dog is a superb way to relax together under the full moon. So is just being together, petting your dog, and destressing from life in general. There are plenty of sounds to listen for at night that are unique and rarely heard unless you focus. An owl hooting, crickets chirping, a frog croaking, and who knows? Maybe you’ll even hear a dog howling at that big ol’ moon.

Plan to enjoy it! The full moon only comes once a month.

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-KA, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Building Relationships through Reward-Based Dog Training, Behavior Modification, and Management