Water Availability When Housetraining Your Pup or Dog

Housetraining puppies is a big job.  Their bladders are small, and they have to eliminate much more frequently than their adult counterparts.  This chart is a guideline of how long puppies can generally last between one elimination period to the next. Each puppy is different, and some may have lesser or longer holding stamina.

Maximum Elimination Span
30–60 minutes
1-3 hours
3-4 hours
4-5 hours

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to have water available for your puppy or dog all the time. Night and day, in or out of their crates, indoors and outdoors, and especially in South Florida where the weather is hot and humid. Puppies do urinate a lot, but limiting water is not an appropriate or humane way to housebreak a pup or dog.

Water For Dogs Always Available Love Wags A Tail Hydrating is important to all of us for the health and well being of our bodies. Humans, dogs, plants, we all need to be hydrated or some serious damage can be done up to death for cases such as heat stroke.

So do make sure water is available and plentiful for your dogs. And believe me, I recognize housetraining can be confusing and frustration. But that’s why I’m here. To teach and guide those who need help with the process of potty training their dogs. It’s not uncommon to need help housetraining a dog! I help people continuously with this process.

If you’re one of those people who could use that help with housetraining your dog, I have a couple options for you. I created Housetraining 123 for just that purpose. It’s available as a webinar on-line 24/7 just like water should be for your pet. Or for private, in-home Housetraining 123 consultations in Fort Lauderdale, Broward county, contact me to set up an appointment. I would love to help you be successful in the endeavor of housebreaking your pup or dog.

By Helen Verte
Housetraining Expert, Broward County South Florida
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