Monk, UFOs, Pet Dogs and Training

I am a big fan of the show Monk. Though they have long ago stopped making new episodes, I watch episodes from the eight recorded seasons regularly. I also think that in this hand washing, germ killing environment, the character Monk would come out ahead.

Monk was called a germophobe, always using wipes after shaking someone’s hands, but isn’t that the thing to do these days to stay safe? Yes! Avoiding the hand shake is even better. In this Covid-19 environment, a germophobe such as Monk would be so ahead of the game because s/he would be well practiced and well stocked with wipes, that it would already be second nature to them.

I sometimes find myself drawn to a particular episode in the Monk series. These days, I’m really loving episode 3 in the final 8th season: Mr. Monk and The UFO. Because I wonder, did the powers that be ever find the bat who started this whole pandemic? Did they find one bat with novel Coronavirus/Covid-19? I don’t know as information changes so frequently, it’s mind boggling. But last time I looked, no. So to have a little contemplative mind bending, I’m asking, what do particles from outter space contribute to our atmosphere? Outer space stuff arrive here in one way or the other. On asteroids, shooting pieces of micobial stuff, or even things we can see flying that aren’t recognizable? If we can’t identify the thing flying, what is it called? I saw a shooting red something fly across the sky weeks ago. It was magnificent. And it dissipated in outter space. But what happens when these things boink our planet?

What about this? Teen In Remote Amazonian Tribe Tests Positive For Coronavirus? “Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta was quoted saying that the case is “worrying” considering the tribe’s isolation from the outside world.” How does THAT happen? I know one thing, when I’m outside and the wind is blowing, I get my dogs in and out for potty breaks fast. I may start wearing a mask during windy days at home.

Back to Monk and things to do during our stay-at-home time. If you’re not into UFOs, then Mr. Monk and The Dog is another good episode in season 8. Because, hey, anyone who’s come here must have a dog, right? And yay for us dog loving peeps! Mr. Monk and The Dog a sweet, episode because we find out that our germaphobe detective has a heart big enough to open his super clean lifestyle and house to a very needy dog. But my suggestion if you haven’t seen the entire series is to starte at season one. If you like mysteries with a touch of humor born from the quirky characters, this is the series to watch.

Otherwise, I do miss training my board-and-trains. I so enjoy my furry 3-week visitor friends as I get to know, train, and love them before handing them back to their owners to live out happy, love-filled lives.

I hope all my clients are staying safe and all the ones to come are doing the same. Till we meet…happy times with your dogs! The picture above is my young Dobie who’d fallen asleep while chewing his bone. Zzzzz…
To send your dog to the Love Wags A Tail board-and-train camp for motivational learning with our cast of characters, contact me with your dog training, behavior modification wish list to get started.
Helen Verte Schwarzmann
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Certified in Training and Counseling
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed
Certified Trick Dog Instructor
AKC STAR Puppy, CGC, and Trick Dog Trainer and Evaluator
Your Board-and-Train Dog Trainer for south and southwest Florida, Coral Springs, Southwest Ranches, Plantation, Fort Lauderdale, Weston, Davie, and Broward, Collier, Lee counties