Novice Trick Dog Title Fort Lauderdale

This is a video of a dog I’ve worked with for years. She is quite impulsive, and also extraordinarily interested in toys for her breed. She prefers the reward of fetch more than that of treats. When I trained her to do a sit stay years ago, it was in split second increments. That she could keep her hiney on the ground for a one-second stint was a day to celebrate. Bit by bit, I built it up to the stay machine she is today.

The video is of Raven’s Novice Trick Dog Title, which she earned today, and step one of our journey towards her championship. We’ve got quite a few steps ahead of us, but we’ve also gone up a lot of steps already with years of training behind us. So with some patience and perseverance, we’ll make it. But as always, training and relationship building is not to rush, but to take one day at a time.

If you’d like to earn a Trick Dog Title with your dog, or just want to teach your dog some tricks, contact me. I’m a Certified Trick Dog Instructor in Broward County, Fort Lauderdale.

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Broward County Fort Lauderdale