Reasons To Crate Train Your Dog

Why is crate training your dog important?  There are many reasons to crate train your dog and even to have that crate set up in the house 24/7.

Den – Your dog will find his crate a place to curl into when he wants alone time or to chew on a food toy or Nylabone.  Or you can keep a crate in your bedroom for him to sleep in at night.  That way you can hear him if he needs to go out, and he can still be close enough to you to feel comfortable.  That is if you don’t let your dog sleep on a dog bed nearby, or on your bed, like I do. Of course, the option is opened, too, to leave the crate door opened, and put some comfortable bedding in the crate. Then your dog will have options, when he’s ready for such freedom.

Safe Haven – Crates are safe havens for dogs.  Just as you should never shove a dog into a crate, you also should never reach into the crate to drag a dog out.  Try luring him out with a special treat.  If he still won’t come out, he might be scared.  Let him be alone until he calms down and comes out on his own.

Traveling – Crates are useful for putting a dog in when traveling in a car and if traveling by air, crates are mandatory.  The more your dog loves his crate, the better.

Dog Events – If you take your dog to agility competitions, dog shows, or obedience trials, then having a dog crate trained is a must.  Shows are often long, and your dog needs a place to relax. Remember, most dogs sleep most of the day.

Veterinarian – When you take your dog to the veterinarian for any overnight procedure, of course, he will be going into a crate.  Make sure he’s used to a crate by then.  There’s nothing worse for a sick dog than to be afraid and sick.   Crate training will lessen the uneasiness associated with being put into a crate at the veterinarians.

Emergencies – In Florida, we sometimes have to evacuate for hurricanes.  Having a crate and a crate trained dog is one thing you won’t have to worry about when evacuating.  Getting out of  Dodge will never be easier!

Management – Sometimes a crate is used for management or time outs for dogs.  They need to feel comfortable in their crates, first.

Housetraining – Without a crate, housetraining would be one long, drawn out process, and may never get done correctly.  Crate training is a necessary and efficient part of housetraining a dog.

Here’s a peek at Dudley going into a crate during his Novice Trick Dog Title video.  Crate training is that important that it’s thought of as a basic, must-have, novice “trick.”

Contact me for help crate training your dog in Fort Lauderdale, Broward county.  It’s worth the time and minimal effort needed to invest.

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Crate Training Your Dog in Fort Lauderdale and Broward County