Thanksgiving for Dogs

If your dogs are going to join you in the Thanksgiving feasting on Thursday, remember to be careful about a few foods. Raisins and grapes, as well as onions and garlic can be toxic to dogs. So can an unattended turkey carcass if a dog eats all those cooked bones. Danger!

And let’s not forget chocolate. The darker, the more toxic to dogs. Baker’s chocolate is the worst! It’s extremely toxic to our beloved dogs, and unfortunately, most dogs are tempted by those little squares. They’ll take a few sniffs then scarf it down. Bing, bam, boom!

Also, the artificial sweetener Xylitol is a deadly toxin to dogs. Xylitol is used in chewing gum and baked goods, candies, and other food items, so be careful if you have it around. Frankly, I think Xylitol is not so great for people, either. It gives me a headache and has a strange after taste.

Thanksgiving - Dog Training There are plenty of foods dogs can eat, though. Dietary restrictions aside, dogs love meat. Turkey off the bone would be a splendid treat on Thanksgiving. Chicken is one of the meats I use to train dogs. As a matter of fact, chicken is usually one of the higher end motivators I use when dog training in Fort Lauderdale and Broward county. Dogs don’t have objections to turkey, either.

Enjoy the holiday, and be sure to watch your dog for any distress. If he’s uncomfortable with too much activity or gets very excited, let him chill out in another room where it’s quiet. This is a time where crate training reigns. So if your dog isn’t friends with his crate, send me an email and we can discuss training.

Happy Thanksgiving!

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Ft Lauderdale Dog Training Broward County