The Name Game With Dogs

While doing rescue in Fort Lauderdale, I’ve gotten some dogs in over the years that came with names, but didn’t know them.  When I called their names, they never responded.  Sometimes, people have a name for a dog, but don’t use it to interact with the dog.  That’s a sad state of affairs.  But what do you do when you have a new dog or puppy to get him to learn his name?  Associations.

Calling A Dog By His Name Broward County FloridaWhen teaching a dog his name, make sure he’s in the vicinity, close by, and you’re sure when you say his name that he’ll look your way.  When he does, tell him “Good boy!” and give him a treat.  A tasty one.  Have the treats available beforehand.  Carry them in a pocket, and throughout the day, do the name game with your new dog.

Spread the game out over the day, but always make sure the dog is nearby and prepared to look at you when he hears his new name.  As he gets better at responding, day after day, increase the distance between you and the dog, but do it in increments.  Small increments.  We want the dog to succeed.  And we don’t want him to learn to ignore his name, so make sure you stick with what your dog will respond to at each level of the name game.

Keep it up and in no time, your dog will be responding to his new name when you call him from the other side of the house.

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Certified Dog Trainer Davie Broward County