Walks With My Dog

Aussie Dudley SniffsI love going on walks with my dogs. Not taking them for walks, but going on walks with them. They have a say on what we do as much as I do. Why shouldn’t they? They’re part of my life, and I want them to enjoy their time on planet earth, too.

One of the things dogs love to do is sniff. This is Dudley and he could take an hour-long walk in a 100 square-foot area if there were enough smells to keep his interest. Of course one of the things I have to watch out for when he’s sniffing is what he is sniffing. I’m fine with ferns and the likes, but when he gets too close to feces, old food, or other revolting items, I call him off. Yes, they may not be revolting to him, but there is a line to draw for safety’s sake.

My Aussie Dudley Posing 02Dudley cooperates with just about any request I have. He’s well trained, so is used to carrying out my requests. It’s fun to have him jump on things, like the curb along fountains, and take pictures with warnings that matter not to him, but I find ironic.

Love for My Aussie DudleyOf course, he’s always up for a cuddle, even when the camera’s facing our way. That drool you see is partly from his workout and partly from car sicknesses. One of the worst things about our travels to adventures is Dudley’s car sickness. We continue to try remedies, but so far have been unsuccessful with the right one.

Treats for My Aussie DudleyThe best thing in the world is feeding my dogs treats. I love to offer them nourishment just for fun, or as motivation. There is joy in eating, and in the special flavors they love. Just look at Dudley’s expression. His eyes are squinted, ears are back, and his tongue is at the ready, as if to say, “I’ll take this from here. Turn off the other senses and let the taste buds rule!”

When I’m out walking with my dogs, one of the things that saddens me is to see people on walks with their dogs, who aren’t with their dogs. Instead, they’re on walks with their cell phones, texting, or otherwise ignoring their partners and the great outdoors. I would suggest taking a break from all that when you’re walking with your dog. Leave the cell phone in the car, and enjoy your buddy’s company! Find out what he likes to do, and share in the moment. Be in the moment. You’ll enjoy it and so will he.

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Broward county South Florida