Vaccination Cookies

Dudley went for his 3-year rabies vaccine this morning to a Pet Stop location. Pet Stop offers the 3-year rabies vaccine for $38 total. You need a copy of your dog’s last rabies vaccination record to get the 3-year vaccine. “Rabies vaccinations should be given at 12 or 16 weeks (according to state law), boostered in 1 year, then boostered every 1 or 3 years depending on the vaccine used, and the state law,” says the Pet Stop website. Here’s {Read More}

Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Not all naughty behavior stemming from your absence means a dog is suffering from separation anxiety. And suffering is what a dog with true separation anxiety does. To put a sep anx dog’s feelings and reactions into perspective, imagine this. While on a walk alone in the wilderness, you trip and slip into an abandon shaft and land on your rump 20 feet further into the ground than where you’d started. Except for the light at the shaft’s opening, which {Read More}

Barking Dogs

Dogs bark.  It’s in their genetic make-up.  Sometimes, though, dogs bark too much or at inappropriate times. Demand barking, for example, is when a dog wants to get attention, a treat, or something else that he’s been given before when he tried barking to get his way.  Dogs learn fast when things work for them, and demand barking is a prime example of dogs doing what works. Watch dog barking is another type of dog barking that we love, but {Read More}

Approach-Avoidance Conflict From Low Grade Fear

Dobermann Luna resolves her sudden low-grade fear of a Nylabone through an approach-avoidance dance. What is approach-avoidance? Approach-avoidance is “a motivational conflict resulting from the presence of a single goal or desire that is both desirable and undesirable.” So the conflict causes someone to be simultaneously attracted and repelled to carry out an act. If you’ve ever been on a diet, and had something in the fridge that was calling out to you, a brownie, for example, you know the {Read More}

Broward County Dog Training

Are there days when your dog or puppy seems to be one step ahead of you at jumping on people, door dashing, chewing on shoes, furniture, or your fingers?  Is housetraining your dog or puppy going a little slow or not at all? When you give your dog a cue, do you pray he’ll listen?  Is your dog so hyper that he pulls on leash to rival any tow truck?  Do you make excuses for your dog in public? Are {Read More}