Clicker Training Dogs Broward County

When a dog trainer sets criteria with a dog during a dog training session, and the dog performs the criteria, the trainer uses a marker word or clicker to signify that the criteria was complete.  The word or sound is a bridge, which tells the dog that he was right and reinforcement is on the way.  Some trainers say that the click ends the behavior.  And that’s true, but there’s a but. The click ends the behavior, or the contract {Read More}


One of the lovely things about shaping a dog through clicker training is how, once they learn the game, they offer behaviors of all sorts. This can be fun, especially when taking photographs. I use lots of treats when I’m taking photos, and I take a lot of photos. Years ago, this was prohibited because every snap of the camera meant a fee for developing film. Digital cameras, however, changed all that, so we can click away as long as {Read More}

Clicker Training To Salvage A Behavior

A clicker is a tool used to communicate exactness to a dog.  It’s the bridge between the moment a dog executes a behavior to the reward he gets after the click. It’s a communication device. Always pair the click with a reward. Otherwise, your clicker will soon become useless. Besides building behaviors, clicker training can salvage them. Here is a 30-second example of how helpful a well timed click can be. And be assured, Dudley got a treat after the {Read More}