When Are Dog Crates Inhumane?

When are dog crates inhumne? I can think of five times.

1. When a dog isn’t trained to accept his crate at his own pace and have good feelings about his crate. If, instead, the dog is shoved into a crate, the door shut, and he is left inside, this is inhumane. Imagine how it would feel to have the same thing done to you. Panic? Fear? It would be a bad feeling.

2. Warehousing. Leaving a dog in his crate for too long, especially longer than he can biologically hold his need to eliminate is inhumane. Dogs are predisposed to keep their dens clean. If this is broken because they’re forced to use it as a bathroom, they were in such discomfort that they had to let it go for relief.

Drinking Pails for Dogs in Crates3. Without water. If a dog is in a crate for any length of time, he should have water available to him. It’s inhumane, cruel, and could be detrimental to a dog’s health to leave him without water. Water should be available to dogs 24/7. There are nicely sized water pails made especially to fit in crates and hang off the door.

4. Left in a crate without any toys. Dogs who are humanely crate trained will most likely sleep most of the time they’re inside, but if they’re not in need of a nap just yet, then having a chew toy to gnaw on will help defray boredom. A dog who’s left in a crate without any mental stimulation is inhumane. But make sure the toy isn’t something that can be consumed, but shouldn’t. Kongs and Nylabones are usually safe bets.

5. Left in a crate that is too small. A dog’s crate should be the right size for comfort. A dog should be able to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably in his crate, plus have enough room for the water bucket that will be hanging off the door.

Dog crates are appropriate dens for dogs, and when trained to like their crates, dogs will be content to hang out inside. The reasons to properly crate train your dog are numerous. If you need help with crate training your dog, contact me. I can help!

By Helen Verte
Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified Trick Dog Instructor
Crate Training Dogs in Fort Lauderdale Broward County