Archives for November 2013

6 Tips To Get A Loose Dog To Come

If your dog isn’t trained to come when called, and he’s gotten away from you, the first thing is to call his name, in a high-pitched, sweet voice. Do not get angry or let your dog know you’re angry even if you are. That will send him away from you and if this happens again, he’ll remember. If he doesn’t come, here are a few things to try. 1 – Squat down to your dog’s level and call him playfully. {Read More}

Dog Training on Location in Broward County

When training dogs, there are puzzle pieces to the entire behavior I as a Broward county professional dog trainer focus on during a dog training session. In the dog training profession, these puzzle pieces are called parameters. And within parameters are criteria, the standards of behavior the dog is to meet each step of the way on the training plan.  Parameter puzzle pieces are comprised of such things as duration of a behavior, the distance the dog works away from the {Read More}

Fort Lauderdale Dog Training in the Bathtub

Dogs need to learn to like taking baths as much as learn to like their fur being brushed, nails being trimmed, or ears being cleaned. The training process to provide a dog with pleasant experiences being bathed will provide the dog parent with a dog who’ll give years of steady and calm participation at bath time. A Booster Bath is a back-saving bathtub dog parents can use for their dogs that can be set up outside or inside, if you {Read More}

Broward County Dog Training

Today I wanted to share a cute comic as so many of us take our role as dog parents seriously, as well we should. Bringing up a dog, whether a dog that’s a rescue and already into adulthood and may not have had dog training or enough dog training prior to his adoption, or a puppy, or even a senior, is important work. Bravo to all of you who do that! By Helen Verte Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed, Certified {Read More}

Reasons To Crate Train Your Dog

Why is crate training your dog important?  There are many reasons to crate train your dog and even to have that crate set up in the house 24/7. Den – Your dog will find his crate a place to curl into when he wants alone time or to chew on a food toy or Nylabone.  Or you can keep a crate in your bedroom for him to sleep in at night.  That way you can hear him if he needs {Read More}